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The New Year is Here! 4-Points to Consider on Your Path to Where You Want to Be

Writer's picture: Tracy DiamondTracy Diamond

“Dreams are the seeds of change. Nothing ever grows without a seed, and nothing ever changes without a dream.” ~Debby Boone

“Autumn, the season that teaches us that change, can be beautiful.” - Unknown

The New Year is here Diamond! It is time to do YOU in 2022! New Year, fresh start, new goals and bold decisions to make. Believe in your potential to pursue the greatness in you. You are capable of what you put your mind and faith toward. Make this year a year of immense rewards. 4-Points to consider and reflect…this is your life.

Time and Change are Powerful Forces

Change is a natural and a necessary part of life. Change will happen with or without you and it can often be uncomfortable, but it’s necessary if you want to grow. Change is also inevitable and time waits for no one. Time and change are powerful forces. Life is short and time is precious, you cannot avoid this fact. This year make your personal development a priority. Be deliberate about your growth and your path as you embrace change, whatever that is for you. Invest in You; stay relevant. Envision this year as your year of transformation, opportunities, and new beginnings. More than likely you have something that you would like to improve upon and nothing will improve by itself – finances, career, relationships, physical environments, spiritual life, or health, what resonates with you? Be open to discover new insights about different aspects of your life. What is it you want to change, learn, or improve? Why? TIME is our most precious commodity – Value it. Hone in on your craft and make it the one thing that will keep you from wasting TIME! How are you using your time? How much time do you devote to yourself personally and professionally?

That Still Small Voice

When you sense a hunch or nudge that there is something more for you in life, what do you do with that - Do you meditate on it, dismiss it, take action or fear the thought? Many people operate on autopilot and go about their day to day lives in a cyclic pattern unbeknown that the day after is no different from the day before. Does this sound familiar to you? Time to time you find yourself daydreaming about something different and more fulfilling than what you’re currently doing, which does not bring you fulfillment, contentment or joy, but then toss aside that thought because interruptions have broken your concentration and require your attention. This pattern occurs repeatedly. How could you take time and listen intently to your life? That still small voice and what it is trying to tell you? How can you be deliberate in getting alone in a quiet place and actively listen for the message? Get in tuned with you, as the awaiting message could very well be your ultimate purpose and calling. “The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams” ~Oprah Winfrey. There is nothing more fulfilling and joyous in life than to walk and live what you were born and created for.

Awaken that Inner Desire

This is the perfect time and year to revive your dream. If not now, when? There is no better time to set smart goals and place yourself in a position to plan for success. Reach deep within yourself and awaken that inner desire that has been placed aside for far too long. What idea have you been contemplating or pondering? What is your dream that you’ve been deferring? How would it look to revive that dream? What would it mean to you to do so? How could you make that happen? Don’t allow the clouds of what you’ve always done block the view of what you desire to do. Life and its many distractions can sideline your idea and dream if you’re not conscious of it. If you don’t bring them to fruition, someone else will, why not you?

Move Upward and Onward so You can Flourish

The New Year set in motion for many to make and commit to resolutions, is that a tradition of yours? Maybe you have decided to take that leap of faith to finally fulfill some short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals but need clarity on how to bring them to fruition. As a certified personal, executive and mindset coach, I can help you in this area to move upward and onward so that you can flourish. I can help you bridge the gap of where you are and where you want to be. Identify and navigate any obstacles along the way while co-partnering with you to create a strategy plan to accomplish your goals and achieve the breakthroughs you desire. What is your ultimate goal for 2022? Who is in your support system to help you? Where do you go when you are stuck? As the New Year is here, ask yourself, “Are you on the path to where you want to be or is life and others creating your path for you?” The choice is yours, you decide. Let's connect - schedule your complimentary 30-minute expectation call today.

Questions to Ponder:

How can you use this time to invest in yourself and your future goals?

How will you navigate obstacles that may show up?

Best Wishes,

Tracy Diamond

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