“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.” – Oprah Winfrey
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” – Benjamin Franklin
Are you pursuing your dream, if not, why don’t you purse your dream? Do you believe you have the potential? Do you believe you are capable? It CAN happen for you and you DESERVE it!
Ask yourself, “How much time do you spend working on you”? How much time do you spend working on your dream? What new skill or knowledge have you acquired in the last month/year? Reflect and examine your typical daily routine, how much of that is invested in your self-growth and personal development? What kind of investment have you made in YOU? Could it be fear that’s holding you back from living your dream, that False Evidence Appearing Real? Fear kills dreams, fear is destructive, fear kills hope, and fear can hold you back from what you know you are capable of. Fear is inevitable, yet it is not a stop sign, do not succumb to it.
My Personal Resiliency in Bouncing Back, Thriving and Growing in my Potential!

Every successful person has been afraid, I included, we’re all human, keep working and taking risks anyway, because what you are trying to accomplish is more important and urgent than the fear of failing. Personally, for me, for a time it was fear, a limited vision of my true potential, a lack of self-belief, plus I struggled to find my purpose and calling. Thank God, that was THEN, this is NOW‼! We are never too late to reinvent ourselves, I am Walking In It! My dream, my vision, my purpose and my calling – And it is TRUE and Authentic Freedom - Contentment and Fulfillment! I began asking myself the “right” questions, and in return breakthroughs began to happen.
Take a chance on yourself. Ask yourself, “What’s the worst case scenario if you do not succeed the first time”? I asked myself that very question, among others, and my answer was, “I tried, and I’ll try again.” I told myself I would rather try than not try at all, especially since it took me far longer than I would have liked to take the leap. The more I stepped out of my comfort zone into the new and unfamiliar, my confidence blossomed, and there is NO GROWTH in our comfort zone. Keep in mind that progress takes time, and vast changes do not happen overnight. My life coach was truly a catalyst in my “FORWARD MOMENTUM”.
Blind spots and obstacles may have you stuck and you can’t see better for yourself. I embraced this quote from Michael Jordan, “Obstacles don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall don’t turn around and give up, figure out how to climb it. Go through it or work around it.” That became my mantra. That is what my life coach helped me with and now as a Certified Personal and Executive Coach myself, this is how I help my clients and it is invigorating to serve clients and co-partner with them as they evolve and blossom as they step out in faith toward their dreams, goals, and desires.
Build Yourself Up - Speak Life to YOU.

Take some steps to restructure that fear and expand your vision of and for yourself. Who you are right now is a part of your choices, decisions, experiences, mindset, boundaries and possibly other people’s opinions of you. Are you satisfied? Are you fulfilled? Is this what you want? Is there something else life has for you?
Intentionally monitor your inner conversations with yourself – Build yourself up. Speak life to YOU, even if it’s the only positive affirmations you receive. See yourself how God sees you. You CAN DO THIS! YES, YOU CAN! We all start from somewhere, start where you are. As Les Brown said, “You don’t have to be great to get started, but you have to get started to be great.” Get started.
Questions to Ponder:
Are your dreams bigger than other people's opinions or vice versa?
How can you use this time to invest in yourself and your future goals?
Best Wishes,
Tracy Diamond